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Alternative Facts: An American Pastime

During a press conference, White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, told the American people: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. Period. Both in person and around the globe." Considering the low approval rating for Donald Trump, the American media and public immediately disputed Spicer's claims. In defense of those claims, Presidential Counsel, Kellyanne Conway admitted that the Press Secretary was providing “alternative facts” and the American public appropriately responded with outrage and disgust.

Now, let me be very clear, this may be the first time an administration official has openly admitted to providing alternative facts, but if you know American history like I do, this was nothing short of "different day, same America." American history is often selective and at times, just flat out untrue. Thus, I figured I’d take the time to express the alternative facts that immediately came to my mind.

Alternative Fact #1: America loved the way Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for justice via non-violent protests.

Actual Fact: Martin Luther King was considered an agitator by the American government, was under constant FBI supervision, and ultimately assassinated. Martin Luther King's legacy has been whitewashed to provide legitimacy to critiques of those who are actively protesting injustices in this country. Hence, the criticism of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters.

Alternative Fact #2: The Black Panther Party was full of cop killers who posed “the greatest threat to the internal security of the United States of America.”

Actual Fact: The Black Panther Party sought equality and justice for black people pursuant to its ten point plan:

1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community. 2. We want full employment for our people. 3. We want an end to the robbery by the white men of our Black Community. 4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings. 5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. 6. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present day society. 7. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service. 8. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people. 9. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails. 10. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.

In spite of these reasonable requests, the FBI began a covert operation, COINTELPRO, whose aim was to get rid of the Black Panther Party by any means necessary. The Black Panther Party merely challenged white supremacy and responded to the violence it received from the FBI and other Government organizations.

Alternative Fact #3: America revered Muhammad Ali as an American hero.

Actual Fact: When Muhammad Ali was boxing and speaking out against the plight of black people, he was largely disliked by the American public and found himself on FBI watch lists. It wasn’t until Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and essentially voiceless, that America rewrote history and pretended that it had always loved and embraced Ali as an American hero.

Alternative Fact #4: Every man is equal under the law.

Actual Fact: Hell nah.

Insert Kalief Browder. Black; 22 years old; Arrested on false charges of robbery; Imprisoned for three years; Surveillance video of assault by corrections officers and inmates; Waited for a trial that never happened; Released without ever being convicted of a crime; Committed suicide; Mom died soon after of "broken heart."

Now, insert Brock Turner. White; 20 years old; Stanford Swimmer; Rapist; Sentenced to Six Months because prison could have a detrimental effect; Served Three Months; Dad called rape “20 minutes of action.”

Countless other instances of actual facts that do not support this alternative fact, but I'd need to write a book to fully address.

Alternative Fact #5: The Feminist Movement is for the advancement of women’s rights.

Actual Fact: The Feminist Movement is for the advancement of white women’s rights. Black women’s rights were violated each time militarized police appeared at Black Lives Matter protests. Feminists? Silence. Native Americans marched in the Women’s March with women who wore Redskins hats. Feminists? Silence. And don't get me started on Susan B. Anthony and the apology Ida B. Wells never got...

Donald Trump took out an ad seeking the death of five teenagers who were later found to be innocent of all charges. He still insists they were guilty. Feminists?Silence. Donald Trump questioned the citizenship of the first black President. Feminists? Silence. Donald Trump said he would build a wall to get rid of Mexicans and wanted Muslims on watch lists. Feminists? Silence. Donald Trump advocated for others to commit acts of physical violence on BLM protesters at his rallies. Feminists? Silence. Donald Trump grabs white woman’s vagina. Feminists? Uproar. Feminists demanded that all women bound together and fight for women’s rights. 52% of White Women vote for Donald Trump in presidential election. Feminists?

I think you get the point. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we're in for an unprecedented amount of alternative facts during this administration. However, let's not forget that we've been fed alternative facts by the American media, public school system, politicians, and judiciary for years. I'm glad that this administration didn't have the sense to deny it like the others, so let's take this as an opportunity to get educated and find out the actual facts of things that have happened before and will happen after Jan. 20, 2017.

W.E.B. DuBois' The Souls of Black Folks is always a good place to start...

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